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Federation guidance through the next series of Eclipses

Tova Katz

We've been making great progress through the eclipse pairings.

All A Team ops on tactical should already know this.

We've shut down a lot in the first four rounds, starting at the win at Lionsgate 2020 when Light and the Galactic Federation won. Large dark master spiritual crews were destroyed.

We are continuing with cleaning out sectors.

We are now working on the monthly gates to clear out animal sectors:

Animal shelters

Endangered species

Factor Farms

Follow the humane and ethical guidelines. There is a prominent dairy that is in compliance with humane guidelines, and we are implementing this into gate light code to stabilize the world. Every farm needs to adhere to ethical and humane guidelines.

Animals have a right to be on this planet. That's the most spiritual tenet.

As empaths, we know that animals are sentient beings. They have a soul contract as well. We are working through the incarnation cycle to help them have a good, healthy life on this planet globally.

Continue developing your silver cord skills, watching skills, and bringing empathy to the animals. You should be able to level up faster to Mastery.

This is in the realm of the 5 point satanic ritual star that MUST BE CONVERTED TO LIGHT at least at 6D. Certain practices bless the animals to help conversions to light at 6D.

If all farms meet humane guidelines, we will have succeeded globally.

Karmic balancing by contracts has already been implemented.

We are also clearing all religious buildings, since the Galactic Federation only works in Spiritual Law, The Laws of Physics, and Hermetic Principles in the Kyballion only on the LIGHT SIDE. Spiritual Law, the Laws of Physics, and the Hermetic Principles are all the same thing if you've done your studying correctly.

Material Law

We adhere to the 10 commandments, as the only connection to any religion on this planet. The 10 commandments are agreed by most Western Nations as Spiritual Truth.

We do not adhere to doctrine like Sharia LAW EVER. You are not to support Sharia Law EVER on this planet.

This isn't a learning, it's a remembering!

The galaxy is run by the Laws of Physics/Hermetics/Spiritual Law, that's the only law we KNOW.

Continue clearing all Spiritual sectors, and keep watch on all sectors you're currently watching. These orders will not change, for they are a part of your work on this planet.

If you need help, my door is always open.


We've regridded the planet as of Lionsgate 2020. We HAVE ALSO WON and RUN THE GATES entirely, globally.

All dark portals are shut down, or will be shut down. Dark Masters have lost as of Lionsgate 2020 and we outnumber them.

We are shutting down all sacrifice rituals.


Shut down dogma and doctrine

We are working on the 3D to 5D timeline split.

If you're a master and can reach frequencies above the 5D timeline, then you're good. If you're new, keep working at it.

Just focus on the 3D vs. 5D timeline.

The first wave indigo masters like me have worked hard to stabilize the 5D timeline. Just sync up with the federation masters, as the first wavers worked very hard to make this happen in tactical ops.

If you have questions about the ships


Greys Draconians and Reptilians ships are on the dark side

All grey draconian and reptilian contracts were already cut

The Sirian A Team and the Pleidians A Team did extensive work on ships at Lionsgate 2020. You do not need to worry about the ships. Just bring light to help the pilots who are testifying.

We are the Galactic Federation

That includes Sirians, Pleidians, Lyrans, Andromedans, and Arcturians

Watch the documentaries and the Senate Committee Hearings on the ships.

The pilots are correct and valid. There are documented testimonies from the 1950s. So any naysayers are wrong.

The Pleidian ships are in fleets. You do not need to worry about ships.

It's been documented at top tier level, so you DO NOT NEED TO WORRY, we are supporting you at the highest levels at ALL TIMES.

Continue with your mission work. The Pleidians Plan is to SHUT DOWN HITLER PRINCIPALITIES.

Well done on another Lionsgate in 2024. I'm so proud of you.

Got questions? My door is always open.

Keep doing it, my lovelies. You are brilliant Pillars of Light.

P.S. You should know the gate system by now.

Do not let them gaslight or drain you.


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