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Well done on shutting down wars. We are going back into build mode now.

Tova Katz

Coven wars caused by magicians, witches, practitioners, wizards, warlocks, nazis, greys, draconians, and reptilians is at a minimal... for the first time ever in history. Covens have been in existence for centuries. They are now "insecure" "wasting money" and unable to do their work.

We've been successful over the past 4 years in shutting the energy warfare down.

While on Sirian watch, the past year has proven fruitful with coven wars are almost nonexistent. We are never truly at 100% with anything, however, we've seen a dramatic lowering of warfare and deployment over the past year.

Well done. The federation in activation has made a difference. If you received rewards, then I know you put in the work. You're earning your mastery faster. Congrats. Keep accelerating faster in your master by earning your rewards.

We are going into build mode again. Now that the wars are gone. Start working on your individual work, while looking at monthly gate orders for animals and team exploration which are all posted on this blog.

If you think that you're not making a difference, think again. It takes all of us to shut down the warfare from the karmic cloning and shapeshifting covens. Well done to Aquarius on becoming "The Great ..." you outperformed every other sign on the team. Now we have Aries, Pisces, and Aquarius. Who'll be the next sign?

My door is always open if you need anything...

For my starseeds and energy prodigies…

You are physics energy and frequency prodigies. You are nerds and geeks. 

I know, because I am one too 

These are lifelong patterns we experience 


This is the dynamic at play every time 

Every case, every situation they copy my work and identity on then they slander and defame me.

My model on is built in a way that no one can copy. 

So no, I’m not surprised you’re going through this too. 

Remember, the Pleidians plan is to shut down Hitler principalities. I literally had a boss admit in a public meeting that she was a Nazi and then doubled my work load without giving me rewards, bonuses, promotions, or raises ever. Then she defamed me. This happened recently. She bragged about getting 4 cupcakes at $100 because she’s greedy. This is a very specific situation. She failed to own her own bullshit. 

A kid in Sedona went on my website, copied it, and went around Sedona receiving free dinners from work he stole from me. 

I’ve had bunches of girls takes parts of my work and repost it as if it was their work on fake accounts then try to profit off of it. 

I’ve experienced it in the past 20 years with so many different stories, so I truly know what you’re going through now. 

Stay on activation. Don’t give up. 

I hate mind games. I hate power plays. They are unnecessary in constructive work. As you know, we thrive in partnership and ecp. 

We are working on getting money for salaries for our energy work. Simply because the corporate world is full of mind games and power plays. It’s time to move into our own space. We shouldn’t be doing double work in energy and daily jobs. 

They always fail to own their own bullshit. They don’t have any remorse for anything they do. They shapeshift, manipulate, lie, slander and defame to not take responsibility. 

You are not alone. 

No matter what is said, I believe you. My door is always open. 

We are different. Their failure to accept us is on them. It says absolutely nothing about you. Keep going… we won at lionsgate 2020 and we are still winning. 

Top tier female leadership has Jews high priestesses in it as explained on 

Your loving boss and leader in the federation


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